Happy happy new year my darlings! This post is long over due, but for some crazy reasons I decided to make this post on the second week of January instead of the first day. Anyways, how did you guys enjoy your holidays? It’s a new year and I’m sure almost everyone has new resolutions; I’m not one of those who make resolutions, I reflect on the past year and select things I want to continue working on. 

2019 was an amazing year for me, I fell in love with an amazing man, I got a recognition I had always wanted in the bloggers world, I quit my work and started out something more amazing, I met amazing people and had more growth and understanding with my family (siblings especially). I have so much to be thankful for last year, lessons were learned too. 

I was going to make a list of lessons I learned last year, life reflections and what not. But I won’t be doing that; instead I’ll be focusing on the goals set out for this year. No, I won’t be listing them all out just a few for now *mischievous wink*
My major goal for this year is to have more collaboration deals. I had a few amazing ones last year that put me on a part of the map which I’m so proud of. So, this year I plan on doing better. 
This year I’m changing careers just for a year, moving from civil engineering to digital marketing and social media management which is so dope for me! I started having the obsession sometime last year and I finally did it so yeah….
Oh traveling!
I made a list of 10 countries, 5 in Europe and 5 in Africa to tour this year. Mostly for the foods though lol, and to experience a different culture. I don’t know which I’ll be starting with but I’ll make a list on another post. 
Savings… I did quite well last year compared to the previous years, but I plan to do better this year. So so so much more. 

I set out just a few things to accomplish this year and I’m excited for the ride! There might be a surprise this year, I’ll let you guys know!

So, how was last year? And how promising has this year been? Did you set goals? Let’s connect in the comment section!

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